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- Extrait de Open Cluster Data 5th Edition (Lynga 1987)
- Organisation du catalogue :
- Les amas sont rΘpartis dans 50 zones de 30x30 degrΘs selon le mΩme
- principe que les grandes rΘgions du Guide Star Catalog .
- ( Voir Jenkner et al. The Astronomical Journal vol 99, num 6 June 1990 p.2087)
- dΘclinaison nombre numΘro de la
- du centre de zones premiΦre zone
- ------------- ------------ --------------
- 15 12 1
- 45 9 13
- 75 4 22
- -15 12 26
- -45 9 38
- -75 4 47
- Chaque zone est matΘrialisΘe par un fichier .
- Description des enregistrements des fichiers :
- OCLrec = record ar,de :longint ;
- cat,num,ocl,dim,dist,age,ms,mt,b_v,ns : smallint;
- conc,range,rich,neb : char;
- end;
- - ar : ascention droite 2000 en degrΘs * 100'000
- - de : declinaison 2000 * 100'000
- - cat : numΘro du catalogue
- - num : numΘro de sequence dans le catalogue
- - ocl : numΘro OCL
- - dim : dimension en minutes * 10
- - dist : distance en parsec
- - age : log de l'age de l'amas * 100
- - ms : magnitude de l'Θtoile la plus brillante * 100
- - mt : magnitude totale * 100
- - b_v : indice de couleur b-v total * 100
- - ns : nombre d'Θtoile
- - conc : classe de concentration de Trumpler
- - range : Θchelle de Trumpler
- - rich : classe de richesse de Trumpler
- - neb : nΘbulositΘ de Trumpler
- Type Intervalle Format
- ------------ -------------------------- -------------------
- Shortint -128 .. 127 SignΘ, 8 bits
- SmallInt -32768 .. 32767 SignΘ, 16 bits
- Longint -2147483648 .. 2147483647 SignΘ, 32 bits
- Byte 0 .. 255 Non signΘ, 8 bits
- Word 0 .. 65535 Non signΘ, 16 bits
- Description originale du catalogue :
- VII/92A Open Cluster Data 5th Edition (Lynga 1987)
- ================================================================================
- Catalogue of Open Cluster Data (5th Ed.)
- Lynga G.
- <Lund Observatory (1987)>
- ================================================================================
- ADC_Keywords: Clusters, open ; Bibliography ; Combined data
- Description:
- The fifth edition of the Lund Catalogue of Open Cluster Data gives key
- information for all known open star clusters in this galaxy. As far as
- possible only published data have been quoted; for some of the
- parameters, these values have been selected from other references, which
- are listed. The catalog includes cluster identification, position,
- reference, Trumpler classification, membership, angular diameter, mean
- distance, reddening, turn-off color, age, Fe/H, radial velocity, star
- types, magnitudes, color, number of observed stars, richness class,
- earliest spectral class, magnitude brightest member, galactocentric
- distance, linear diameter, and comments.
- Further errors have been corrected at CDS: see below the
- "Historical Notes" section. A few questions still remain
- (see section "Problems" below)
- File Summary:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadMe 80 . This file
- intro.doc 80 609 Original introduction file
- edited.txt 132 8640 Catalogue Print file (pages of 60 lines)
- alias.txt 132 2040 Alias file
- refs.txt 132 670 Reference File
- catalog.dat 514 1151 The Catalogue Data File
- galactic.dat 54 1111 Galactic Coordinate File
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalog.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1- 2 I2 --- ClSeq [1/64] Cluster Sequence code (1)
- 3- 6 I4 --- ClNum Number inside Cluster Sequence
- 8- 9 I2 h RAh2000 Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
- 10- 13 F4.1 min RAm2000 Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
- 14 A1 --- DE-2000 Declination 2000 (sign)
- 15- 16 I2 deg DEd2000 Declination 2000 (degrees)
- 17- 18 I2 arcmin DEm2000 Declination 2000 (minutes)
- 20- 21 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 1950 (hours)
- 22- 25 F4.1 min RAm Right Ascension 1950 (minutes)
- 26 A1 --- DE- Declination 1950 (sign)
- 27- 28 I2 deg DEd Declination 1950 (degrees)
- 29- 30 I2 arcmin DEm Declination 1950 (minutes)
- 31- 34 F4.2 0.1min/yr precRA Precession in RA (for 10 years)
- 35- 38 F4.1 0.1arcmin/yr precDE Precession in DE (for 10 years)
- 39- 44 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
- 45- 50 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
- 51- 54 I4 --- LundRec [1/1212]+ Record number on Lund disc
- 55- 58 I4 --- OCL [1/1039]? OCL number (ref.19)
- 59- 64 F6.1 arcmin Diam ? Selected Angular diameter
- 65- 68 I4 --- r_Diam [-1/527]? Reference for angular
- diameter (7)
- 69- 72 I4 pc Dist ? Distance
- 74- 76 I3 --- r_Dist [1/527]? reference for Distance
- 77- 81 F5.2 yr log.Age [6/10]? log(age), years
- 82- 84 I3 --- r_log.Age [1/527]? reference for log(age)
- 85- 89 F5.2 Sun [Fe/H] [-.8/.3]? Metallicity, logarithmic
- scale
- 90- 92 I3 --- r_[Fe/H] [1/527]? reference for metallicity
- 93- 98 F6.2 mag E(B-V) [0/2]? Reddening
- 99-100 A2 --- r_E(B-V) [-*0-9] reference for Reddening (5)
- 101-102 A2 --- ClTyp [DO] "DO" indicates at doubtful
- cluster
- 103-104 I2 --- r_ClTyp [19]? reference for ClTyp
- 105-106 I2 --- N(Ap) Number of Ap stars
- 107-108 I2 --- N(Am) Number of Am stars
- 109-110 I2 --- N(mAp) Number of marginal Ap stars
- 111-112 I2 --- N(mAm) Number of marginal Am stars
- 113-114 I2 --- N(WR) Number of WR stars
- 115-116 I2 --- N(Of) Number of Of stars
- 117-118 I2 --- N(Be) Number of Be stars
- 119-120 I2 --- N(sh) Number of Shell stars
- 121-122 I2 --- N(Be+sh) Number of Be+Shell stars
- 123-124 I2 --- N(He-weak) Number of He weak stars
- 125-126 I2 --- N(He-rich) Number of He rich stars
- 127-128 I2 --- N(Cep) Number of Cepheids
- 129-130 I2 --- N(PN) Number of Planetary nebulae
- 131-132 I2 --- N(C*) Number of Carbon stars
- 133-134 I2 --- N(LPV) Number of Long period variable stars
- 135-136 I2 --- N(dSct) Number of Delta Scuti stars
- 137-138 I2 --- N(bCep) Number of Beta Cephei stars
- 139-140 I2 --- N(RCrB) Number of R Cor Bor stars
- 141-142 I2 --- N(BaII) Number of Ba II stars
- 143-144 I2 --- N(UGem) Number of ? U Geminorum stars
- 145-164 5I4 --- refN [1/527]? References for numbers of
- peculiar stars
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part of Dixon's catalogue of non-stellar objects (ref.128)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 165-166 A2 --- POSS-type ? POSS chart type (So/O/E=1/2/3) (2)
- 167-170 I4 --- POSS ? POSS chart number (2)
- 172-173 I2 h RAhPOSS ? Right Ascension POSS (hours) (2)
- 175-176 I2 min RAmPOSS ? Right Ascension POSS (minutes) (2)
- 178-180 I3 deg DEdPOSS ? Declination POSS (degrees) (2)
- 181-183 I3 mm xPOSS ? Position position on POSS chart,
- mm (2)
- 184-186 I3 mm yPOSS ? Position position on POSS chart,
- mm (2)
- 187-190 I4 arcmin maxDiam ? Max angular diam, min of arc (2)
- 191-194 F4.1 mag maxBr ? Brightest star (2)
- 195-196 I2 --- TrConc [0/4]? Trumpler concentration class
- 197-198 I2 --- TrRange [0/3]? Trumpler Range class
- 199-200 A2 --- TrRich [mpr ] Trumpler Richness class
- 202 A1 --- TrNeb [nue ] Trumpler nebulosity
- (n/u/e=1/2/3)
- 204 I1 --- inRef.128 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
- (ref.128) (2)
- 206 I1 --- POSS.128 [0/1]? '1' if cluster has POSS data
- in (ref.128) (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part of Strasbourg-Bochum file (ref.50):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 207-210 I4 arcmin Diam.50 ? Selected angular diameter (2)
- 211-214 I4 pc Dist.50 ? Distance (2)
- 215-218 F4.1 mag maxBr.50 ? Brightest star
- 220-224 I5 --- Sp.50 [10005/10308]? Spectral class code
- 225-228 F4.1 mag totMag.50 ? Total magnitude
- 229-232 F4.2 mag E(B-V).50 ? Colour excess (2)
- 233-234 I2 --- inRef.50 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
- (ref.50) (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Data received from B. Skiff (ref.422):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 235-238 F4.1 mag totMag.422 ? Total magnitude
- 239-242 F4.2 mag i(B-V).422 ? Integrated color (B-V)
- 243-246 I4 --- N.422 ? Number of stars considered
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Data received from K. Janes (ref.265):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 247-250 I4 --- Num.265 [0/938]? Janes-Adler star number
- 252 I1 --- Class.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler class
- 254-256 I3 --- Ref.265 ? Janes-Adler references (2)
- 258 I1 --- maxClass.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler maximum class
- 260 I1 --- Rich.265 [0/5]? Janes-Adler richness class
- 261-264 F4.2 --- E(B-V).265 ? Janes-Adler Color Excess E(B-V)
- 266-268 I3 --- r_E(B-V).265 [1/527]? Janes-Adler ref. for E(B-V)
- 269-272 F4.2 mag turn.265 ? Janes-Adler (B-V) turn-off point
- 274-276 I3 --- r_turn.265 [1/527]? Janes-Adler ref for (B-V)
- turn-off point
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Results of 1982 examination (ref.320)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 278 I1 --- TrConc.320 [0/4]? Trumpler concentration class
- 280 I1 --- TrRange.320 [0/3]? Trumpler range class
- 281-282 A2 --- TrRich.320 [mpr ] Trumpler richness class
- 284 A1 --- TrNeb.320 [n-] Trumpler nebulosity class
- 286-288 I3 --- Members.320 ? Number of member stars
- 290-294 F5.1 --- Diam.320 ? Angular diameter
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chart used by Lynga (ref.320) or, if not in that survey,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 295-296 A2 --- POSS-type.320 [sorjeir ] Survey chart type (3)
- 297-300 I4 --- POSS.320 [0/1619]? chart number
- 302-303 I2 h RAhPOSS.320 ? Right Ascension POSS (hours)
- 305-306 I2 min RAmPOSS.320 ? Right Ascension POSS (minutes)
- 308-310 I3 deg DEdPOSS.320 ? Declination POSS (degrees)
- 311-313 I3 mm xPOSS.320 [0/350]? distance from left edge of
- chart
- 314-316 I3 mm yPOSS.320 [0/350]? distance from bottom edge
- of chart
- 318 I1 --- hasClass.320 [0/1]? '1' if cluster classified
- in ref.320
- 320 I1 --- ESO/SERC [0/1]? '1' if cluster is on ESO/SERC
- Survey
- 322-324 F3.1 --- w_RVel [0/1.0]? Weights for radial
- velocity (6)
- 325-328 I4 km/s RVel ? Radial Velocity
- 330 I1 --- RVelClass [0/5]? Weight class for radial
- velocity
- 331-350 5I4 --- r_RVel [1/527]? references for radial
- velocities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Buscombe Compilation (ref.64):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 351-354 I4 km/s RVel.64 ? Radial Velocity (2)
- 355-358 I4 pc Dist.64 ? Distance (2)
- 359-362 F4.2 mag E(B-V).64 ? E(B-V) (2)
- 363-366 F4.1 mag iMag.64 ? Integrated apparent pg.
- magnitude (2)
- 367-370 F4.1 mag iAbsMag.64 ? Integrated absolute Bmag (2)
- 371-374 I4 pc Diam.64 ? Absolute Diameter (2)
- 375-378 F4.2 yr log(age).64 ? log(age), years (2)
- 379-382 F4.2 solMas s log.Mass.64 ? log (Mass), solar masses (2)
- 383-384 F2.1 --- inRef.64 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
- (ref.64) (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Basel data (ref.37):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 385-386 A2 --- phSystem.37 Photometric system for following
- data (2)
- 387-390 F4.2 mag E(B-V).37 ? Colour excess (2)
- 391-394 F4.2 mag Av.37 ? Interstellar extinction (2)
- 395-398 I4 pc Dist.37 ? Distance (2)
- 399-404 I6 --- Sp.37 [0/11000]? Spectral type of hottest
- star
- 405-410 I6 --- ColBlue.37 [0/10320]? Colour type of bluest
- star
- 411-416 F6.1 pc Diam.37 ? Cluster diameter (2)
- 417-418 I2 --- ObsType.37 ? Type of observation (2)
- 419-420 I2 --- inRef.37 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
- (ref.37) (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- van den Bergh-Hagen data (ref.487):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 421-424 F4.1 arcmin Diam.487 ? Apparent Diameter (2)
- 425-426 A2 --- Rich.487 Richness: vp, p, m, r, vr (2)
- 428 I1 --- inRef.487 [0/1]? '1' if cluster is in
- (ref.487) (2)
- 430-438 A9 --- Cname * [C0-9+-] Cluster "C"
- designation (4)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Various tracers:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 439-442 I4 --- tr-RA [0/1212]? tracer for RA, 1950.0 (8)
- 443-446 I4 --- tr-GLON [0/1212]? tracer for Galactic
- longitude (8)
- 447-450 I4 --- tr-ClNum [0/1212]? tracer for number in
- sequence (8)
- 451-454 I4 --- tr+RA [0/1212]? tracer for RA, 1950.0 (8)
- 455-458 I4 --- tr+GLON [0/1212]? tracer for Galactic
- longitude (8)
- 459-462 I4 --- tr+ClNum [0/1212]? tracer for number in
- sequence (8)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Data from joint project between Janes, Tilley and Lynga (1988):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 464-468 I5 pc Dist.jdl ? jdl distance modulus
- 470 I1 --- w_Dist.jdl [0/5]? weight class
- 471-475 F5.2 mag turn.jdl [-0.4/0.7]? jdl turn-off point colour
- 476-481 F6.0 Myr Age.jdl [0/10000]? jdl derived age
- 483 I1 --- w_Age.jdl [0/5]? weight class
- 484-488 F5.2 mag E(B-V).jdl [0/1.75]? jdl reddening
- 489 A1 --- n_E(B-V).jdl [v] 'v' if reddening varies
- 491 I1 --- w_E(B-V).jdl [0/5]? weight class
- 492-496 F5.2 Sun [Fe/H].jdl [0]? jdl abundance value
- 497-514 6I3 --- refs.jdl [1/527]? references for jdl input
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note (1): The Cluster Sequence Code has the following values:
- 1 NGC 2 IC 3 Berkeley 4 Czernik
- 5 Dolidze 6 Collinder 7 Upgren 8 Tombaugh
- 9 Ruprecht 10 King 11 Stock
- 13 Trumpler 14 Markarian 16 Haffner
- 17 Hogg 18 Sher 19 Feinstein 20 Harvard
- 21 Lynga 22 Westerlund 23 Basel 24 Blanco
- 25 Baractova 26 Biurakan 27 Melotte 28 Pismis
- 30 Trapezium 32 Pleiades
- 33 Graff 34 Iskudarian 35 Stephenson 36 Roslund
- 37 Hyades 41 van den Bergh-Hagen
- 42 Bochum 43 Dolidze-Dzimselejsvili
- 45 Antalova 46 Moffat 47 Havlen-Moffat 48 Frolov
- 50 van den Bergh 51 Mayer 52 Latysev
- 53 Sigma Ori 54 Graham 55 Aveni-Hunter 56 Loden
- 57 Grasdalen 58 Waterloo 59 Auner
- 61 Schuster 62 Danks 63 Muzzio 64 =ref.378
- Note (2): this field is always blank.
- Note (3): the survey may be SO, O, E, J, R, I or SR
- Note on Cname (4): the "C" cluster designation has the general "format"
- CHHMM+DDd, i.e. starts with the letter 'C',
- followed by the right ascension (1950) in hours and minutes.
- followed by the declination sign, degree and tenth of degree.
- Note (5): this field is apparently in error, it contains frequently
- "-1" or "**"
- Note (6): w_RVel has only the values 0.0 or 1.0
- Note (7): the unexplained reference (-1) exists for the clusters
- C0728-168, C0728-169, C1726-324
- Note (8): tracers are indexes of the previous or next entry according
- to the parameter; it has been omitted for C2357+606
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Byte-by-byte Description of file: galactic.dat
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3- 8 F6.2 deg GLON Galactic longitude
- 11- 16 F6.2 deg GLAT Galactic latitude
- 18- 21 I4 --- OCL [1/1039]? OCL number (ref.19)
- 24- 32 A9 --- Cname Cluster name
- 35- 49 A15 --- Name Cluster Sequence name and number
- 51- 54 I4 --- LundRec [1/1212] Record number of Lund disc
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- References:
- Janes K.A., Tilley C., Lynga G., 1988, Astron. J. 95, 771
- Historical Notes:
- * Oct-1991: ADC CD-ROM "Selected Astronomical Catalogs" Vol. 1
- (directory /nonstell/clusters/open) : see file "intro.doc"
- * 14-Feb-1995: CDS (Francois Ochsenbein)
- => file "edited":
- - removed the duplicated last two clusters C2351+614 and C2353+642
- - corrected the (erroneously positive) declinations of
- C0635-008 C1859-005 C0657-001 C0719-008
- => file "catalog":
- - transformed into a file with 514-byte records;
- - replaced blank values of 'N(UGem)' with zero;
- - put sign of declinations in constant column
- - removed first record with initial tracers
- - corrected misalignments for C0548+217
- - corrected declinations for C0717-010,
- C0635-008 C1859-005 C0657-001 C0719-008
- - corrected positions of C0819-360, C0820-360, C0915-495
- and C1654-457 (see below)
- - added C2357+606 (Berkeley 58, 1st record) which was missing
- (existed in "edited", but not in "catalog")
- Problems:
- * Cluster "C2306+606" indicates an unknown '64' ClSeq with '1'
- number in file "catalog" and blank name in file "edited".
- It is the only one from ref. 378 (Pfleiderer et al., 1977)
- * The positions disagreed with galactic position and have been
- corrected for the following clusters :
- ------------------------------------------------
- Cname Original Position from galactic
- pos. 1950 (1950) (2000)
- ------------------------------------------------
- C0819-360 820.3-3614 0819.2-3601 0821.1-3611
- C0820-360 821.5-3610 0820.2-3559 0822.1-3609
- C0915-495 914.1-4947 0915.0-4930 0916.7-4943
- C1654-457 1654.3-4551 1654.2-4543 1657.9-4548
- ------------------------------------------------
- ================================================================================
- (End) Francois Ochsenbein [CDS] 20-Feb-1995